IntroGet started by booking your free intro.
PlanTalk with a coach and make a plan.
ResultsStart training, follow your program and get results.
Getting started is easy at the best gym in Lismore
At Hammer & Tong in Lismore, we believe that the path to reaching your goals starts with an actionable plan. Talk with one of our expert coaches to learn more about which program style will fit your lifestyle. Join our gym to get results that last.
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Take the first step towards getting the results that you want
Brittany Purnell
CFHT has transformed my life, not just from lifting weights but by surrounding myself with a supportive community. I've made some amazing friendships!
Paul Dooner
I have lost 30kg since joining CFHT and enjoy moving my body again! My fitness physical and mental health have improved dramatically.
Mina Deal
I was able to keep moving through my pregnancies and post partum in a way that felt right for my body. I love bringing the kids to the gym with me!