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Strength & Conditioning
All S&C workouts are based on functional movements, and reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and more. Our workouts eliminate routine and challenges participants each and every session to strive to be the best they can be. It’s designed for universal scalability, making it the perfect application for any committed individual regardless of experience and conditioning who is looking to become leaner, stronger, faster, fitter and more confident.
Personal Training
Training that is individualised to suit your goals and personal needs.
Little Tongies
Our little Tong classes are geared towards two age groups, 5-8 years and 9-12 years. Our program teaches foundational movement patterns, providing children with a portion of their prescribed amount of exercise for the week, improving muscular fitness, engineering endless opportunities for success while keeping the class fun and engaging.
Our clients see incredible results
Achieve your goals at CrossFit Hammer & Tong.